Practice with thousands of handcrafted exam questions created by qualified teachers and tailored to your field of study. Track your progress and master what you’re learning thanks to detailed solutions.
Install the free app today and start studying for your exams right from your mobile device!
Test Prep Key Features:
- Over 40,000 practice questions available and counting
- Each quiz contains randomised material
- See detailed answer explanations, including equations and formulas
- Review exam questions and solutions
- Two practice modes: test simulation or revision
- Track your progress with quiz results
Practice for Popular Exams:
- Year 12 and Year 11 exams including ATAR, HSC, VCE exams
- IELTS and TOEFL Tests
- NAPLAN: Year 2, 5, 7, 9
- Selective School Test
- Opportunity Class Placement Test
Test Your Knowledge:
Exams are decomposed into key subject areas so you can focus on what you need to study. Subjects available include:
- English
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Ancient & Modern Languages
- Legal Studies
- Psychology
- Business & Economics
- Medicine
- Other Specialised Subjects: Nutrition, Sports, Community Services, etc.
What’s Included:
Zookal Test Prep gives you unlimited access to hundreds of practice quizzes with over 40,000 exam questions to help you ace your exams!
About Zookal
Zookal is one of the fastest-growing educational platforms in the Asia Pacific region. Since 2011, we’ve helped thousands of students succeed on their learning journey by giving them access to cheap textbooks and a slew of digital solutions including eTextbooks, Homework Help, Textbooks Solutions, and much more.
How to Get In Touch:
We’d love to hear from you! Please email [email protected] to share your feedback. If you enjoy the app, please leave us a review. You can also follow us on Facebook or Instagram @zookal